BCAAs, what are these basics of sports nutrition?

3 min read

Increasingly popular, food supplements are now common practice in amateur and professional sports. Indeed, these are ideal for athletes wishing to fill nutritional deficits linked to a specific diet or to improve their endurance and physical performance. In this article, we will present to you a basic of sports nutrition: BCAA amino acids.

BCAAs: a basic of sports nutrition

First of all, let’s define what BCAAs represent. An English acronym meaning “ Branched Chain Amino Acids ”, BCAAs are defined as branched animated acids in French. Mainly used in bodybuilding, this type of protein food supplement brings together three essential amino acids: leucine, valine, and isoleucine. For your information, know that these acids represent about a third of the proteins in your muscles.

What are the effects of BCAAs?

BCAAs are intended to be rich in multiple ways for your body. These food supplements make it possible to increase muscle mass gain, provide additional energy to your body, improve your endurance during your training as well as help with the loss of fat mass during periods of dry.

When to consume BCAAs?

However, it is important to know the different effects of BCAAs on your body depending on when you ingest them. Consumption can first be done before your training to strengthen your muscles and your body by increasing the quantity of animated acids in your body. Ingested during training, this basic sports nutrition will bring energy to your body and thus improve your endurance. Finally, consuming BCAAs after your workout will regenerate your reserve of animated acids and will contribute to the development of your muscle fibers.

How to choose BCAAs?

Like most food supplements, the composition of BCAA jars is varied. A small line of three numbers is thus present on each packaging (for example 4.1.1). These three numbers represent the ratio of each animate acid in a pot. So, the first number represents the leucine ratio, the second isoleucine, and the third valine. In our example, a 500g jar of BCAA contains 400g of leucine, 100g of isoleucine, and 100g of valine. This ratio is mainly optimized for bodybuilding. For any other sport, we recommend a ratio of 2.1.1. In terms of dosage, this will vary between 5 gr and 30 gr per day depending on several factors such as your weight, your lifestyle, your objectives as well as your sporting practice.

Basic to sports nutrition, BCAAs are perfect food supplements if you are losing weight or gaining mass. However, you must keep in mind that your sporting regularity, your diet, and your mind are the primary factors influencing your performance. So don’t bet everything on dietary supplements to achieve your goals.

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