How to improve your intestinal transit?

3 min read

Whether in times of stress, during family dinners, or simply in everyday life, we quickly develop bad eating habits. Taking care of your transit means preserving your health in the long term.

We consider that intestinal transit is regulated when the evacuation of stools occurs between 3 times a day and 3 times a week. Below this frequency, occasional or chronic constipation may be suspected. If, on the contrary, the frequency is higher, more than 3 times a day and the stools are liquid, we speak of diarrhea.
You should not wait to evacuate your stools and especially not hold back at the risk of experiencing discomfort and disrupting intestinal transit.

The intestines have an internal clock. Eating at set times helps give our body habits that help facilitate intestinal transit. Snacking between meals should be avoided and skipping meals should be avoided. It is better to have a healthy snack in the middle of the afternoon rather than eating in small quantities several times during the day because the body will not know when to start the digestion process. For good transit, it is also necessary to take your time at the table and chew food well. By eating too quickly, the body swallows air, which can lead to bloating and aerophagia.

You must make sure you have a diet sufficiently rich in fiber because it is this that maintains the proper functioning of transit. Fruits and vegetables must therefore be part of the daily menu, just like whole grains, legumes (chickpeas, lentils, dried beans, etc.), whole starchy foods (quinoa, bulgur, etc.) as well as dried fruits (apricot, fig). , prune…). It is best to choose healthy oils like olive oil or canola oil. In case of diarrhea, consider drinking more water or green tea for example. This rehydrates the body.

Walking, swimming and cycling are beneficial for good gut health. For those who are more chilly, gentler practices such as yoga or tai chi stimulate blood circulation. For improved intestinal transit, try to set 20 minutes of physical activity per day or three periods of 30 minutes per week. We think about it less, but laughter is a sport. It causes abdominal gymnastics which promotes the regulation of intestinal transit. So why deprive yourself of it?

Naturopaths suggest consuming a glass of aloe juice before bed. Aloe vera gel is a gentle and effective laxative to use if you suffer from occasional constipation or irregular bowel movements. The natural mucilages of flaxseed, psyllium, and agar-agar mixed with water are also beneficial because they soften the stools and make them easier to pass.

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