Nutrition: 5 tips for seniors

3 min read

The older we get, the more our perception of taste and smell diminishes. Many seniors then complain of lacking appetite. However, to age in good health, you need to eat a balanced diet and do some physical exercise. Here are 5 dietary tips for seniors.

Avoid malnutrition to make your body function properly

Contrary to popular belief, nutritional needs do not decrease as we age. Rather, they are adapted to meet the needs of the body. In other words, we must stop believing that seniors must eat less to stay in shape. In an elderly person, the body’s use of food substances is less good. It is therefore necessary to consume large quantities to provide the body with everything it needs for its functioning.

Indeed, undernutrition is a type of malnutrition that leads to a weakening of the immune system and a loss of muscle mass. This ultimately causes less resistance to pathologies and infections. If you would like to know more about nutrition among seniors, 

Seniors: don’t skip meals and hydrate yourself sufficiently

To age healthily, it’s not enough to eat large portions to stock up on nutrients. Above all, you must eat at a regular pace, i.e. 3 meals per day. So avoid skipping meals to avoid exposing yourself to eating disorders.

Perceptions of taste and smell diminish with age. Likewise, the feeling of thirst has reduced over the years. To do this, seniors should not wait for a signal from their body before taking a bottle of water. They must hydrate sufficiently, approximately 1.5 liters of water per day. If necessary, you can consume (unsweetened) beverages such as tea, herbal teas, broths, etc.

Make protein intakes to preserve your muscle mass

For a healthy senior, the recommended dietary allowance (ANC) for protein is between 1 and 1.2 g/kg/day. This quantity is higher than the recommended intake for adults which is 0.83 g/kg/day. On the other hand, in undernourished elderly people, the reference is 1.2 to 1.5 g/kg/day.

To get your protein intake, it is recommended to eat meat, fish, and eggs once or twice a day. Regarding meat, you can alternate between poultry, red meat, and white meat. The consumption of fatty fish is also recommended because these products are well supplied with omega-3 fatty acids. These lipid components are beneficial for health.

Seniors: take 3 to 4 dairy products per day to maintain your bone mass

Osteoporosis (decreased bone density) is a common disease among older people. However, dairy products provide calcium, which is essential for maintaining bone mass and avoiding the risk of bills. To meet your needs, simply eat yogurt and cheese. It is especially advisable to favor homemade creams, which are less sweet than commercially available products.

Consume starchy foods and vegetables to promote digestion

Starchy foods and vegetables contain fiber which improves intestinal transit. In addition, these foods provide energy to the body and help prevent snacking. At each meal, don’t forget to have a portion of potatoes, pasta, chickpeas…

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