The health benefits of Mate

3 min read

Mate is a very popular drink, especially in the South American country. Aware of its medicinal virtues, more and more countries are consuming it. Very well known, this tea even occupies a place in European pharmacopeias. If it is so famous and appreciated, it is because it contains various health properties. But what are they? And how to benefit from its benefits?

What is mate?

Mate or yerba mate is a traditional drink from South America where the first to use this medicinal plant were the Guarani Indians. Mate, also called Paraguayan tea or Jesuit tea, is made from a shrub that is part of the aquifoliaceae family. Used in herbal medicine, the part intended for consumption is the leaf. However, it is dried leaves that will be used for body care. The power of mate is miraculous because behind its leaves hide several remarkable active ingredients such as vitamins, flavonoids, triterpene saponosides, and caffeine. To benefit from these benefits, it is generally consumed in the form of an infusion. In this case, 4 g of its dried leaves macerated in 1 liter of water is enough. For daily consumption, it is enough to drink 3 to 5 cups per day at most. As its leaves contain approximately 1% caffeine, the dosage should be carefully respected.

The benefits of Mate


For people suffering from obesity, this tea has always been one of the best alternatives, because it serves as an appetite balancer. This is thanks to its ability to balance intestinal function and act favorably on digestion. In addition, for those who have difficulty curbing their appetite, this Jesuit tea has an appetite suppressant action. This is thanks to the caffeine it contains. In addition, by having diuretic qualities, a mate can be an excellent ally against the various toxic substances responsible for corpulence. Moreover, its thermogenic qualities add a plus to eliminate or considerably burn fat from the body.


By containing several tannins, matein, magnesium, and vitamins (A, B, C), mate is a perfect reserve of minerals and antioxidants. As a result, it helps fight against physical fatigue. But its benefits do not only extend to body exhaustion, they also extend to the mental side. We can distinguish optimal intellectual reactivity because the mind is stimulated. In addition, it contributes enormously to the ability to memorize. It is a perfect drink for students.

Increases physical performance

By having a favorable action on physical fatigue, Paraguayan tea stimulates muscle contractions thanks to the existence of caffeine which composes it. For athletes, its consumption is an asset to considerably boost their performance. Note that this drink can grant an improvement of approximately 5% compared to the exploits performed by the athlete.

Limits the risk of disease

Being very loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals such as flavonoids, amino acids, tannins, vitamins A, B, C, E, and many others, mate is one of the most powerful drinks for maintaining health. shape. With these antioxidants, it fights against cell aging. Faced with the risks of certain cancers, this magical tea also has the possibility of slowing down their development, particularly thanks to polyphenols. Apart from this, it stimulates the immune system thus leading to the strength of the body against foreign bodies responsible for diseases. This ability that it possesses comes from the large quantity of saponin that it composes.

Mate is a virtuous herb for health. However, to benefit effectively, you must not neglect your dosage. If in doubt, it is always wise to consult a specialist.

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